Friday, November 27, 2009

Some Friday links 'n stuff

I guess my post yesterday was topical, because the LAtimes jumped on the bandwagon!  Check it out here

As well, I spoke about how Viral marketing  hasn't been affective in a long time, but I guess I was wrong...  Check out "People are dumb"

And a little Friday enjoyment: I started watching this show called The League which I've been enjoying and recommend, especially to anyone involved in Football fantasy pools. Here's a little clip that cracks me up...

(I just realized this is a toned down version of the song... link tot he actual version here...)

Have a good weekend,

1 comment:

  1. Wow the LA Times are checking out your blog already! Good going!! wait..maybe I should be paranoid...and they are checking me out!!!!


Do you have anything to add? Things I should watch or may have missed? Let me know!