Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Inglourious Basterd

If you're a Tarantino fan (which you should be), here's his short list for best films of 2009

btw, if you liked Tony Jaa (Ong-Bak), the movie he mentions, Chocolate, is by the same director with 'the female Tony Jaa' kicking ass!

Keeping on the Tarantino theme,  check out this commercial....

No, I don't get it either!



  1. Since it is tarantino theme I thought I would add this www.todaysbigthing/2009/12/11

  2. That's great! Thanks Melissa!

    actual link is: http://www.todaysbigthing.com/2009/12/11


Do you have anything to add? Things I should watch or may have missed? Let me know!